
Submissions from 2014

Characterization of grain boundary conductivity of spin-sprayed ferrites using scanning microwave microscope, J. Myers, T. Nicodemus, Yan Zhuang, T. Watanabe, N. Matsushita, and M. Yamaguchi

Transport of kinetically sorbing solutes in heterogeneous sediments with multimodal conductivity and hierarchical organization across scales, Mohamad Reza Soltanian, Robert Ritzi, Zhenxue Dai, Chaocheng Huang, and David Dominic

Submissions from 2013

Interpreting Meta-Regression: Application to Recent Controversies in Antidepressants' Efficacy, Eva Petkova, Thaddeus Tarpey, Lei Huang, and Liping Deng


Some Minor-Closed Classes of Signed Graphs, Dan Slilaty and Xiangqian Zhou

Parents' Perspectives on Their Children's Health Insurance: Plight of the Underinsured, William Spears, John M. Pascoe, Harry J. Khamis, Caroline I. McNicholas, and Gregory M. Eberhart

Properties of two-dimensional silicon grown on graphene substrate, R. Zhou, L. C. Lew Yan Voon, and Yan Zhuang

Submissions from 2012

Pan-Antimicrobial Failure of Alexidine as a Contact Lens Disinfectant When Heated in Bausch & Lomb Plastic Containers: Implications for the Worldwide Fusarium Keratitis Epidemic of 2004 to 2006, B. Laurel Elder, John D. Bullock, Ronald E. Warwar, Harry J. Khamis, and Shaden Z. Khalaf

Self-biased low loss conductor featured with skin effect suppression for high quality RF passives, I. Iramnaaz, H. Schellevis, B. Rejaei, R. Fitch, and Yan Zhuang

High-quality integrated inductors based on multilayered meta-conductors, I. Iramnaaz, Hugo Schellevis, Behzad Rejaei, Robert Fitch, and Yan Zhuang


Translation Representations and Scattering by Two Intervals, Palle Jorgensen, Steen Pedersen, and Feng Tian

Quantitative Profiling of Gut Microbiota of Children with Diarrhea-Predominant Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Laura Rigsbee, Richard Thomas Agans, Vijay Shankar, Harshavardhan Kenche, Harry J. Khamis, Sonia K. Michail, and Oleg Paliy

Anodized macroporous silicon anode for integration of lithium-ion batteries on chips, Xida Sun, Hong Huang, Kuan Lun Chu, and Yan Zhuang

Scanning microwave microscopy characterization of spin-spray-deposited ferrite/nonmagnetic films, Yun Xing, Joshua Myers, Ogheneyunume Obi, Nian X. Sun, and Yan Zhuang

Submissions from 2011

Distal Gut Microbiota of Adolescent Children is Different from that of Adults, Richard Thomas Agans, Laura Rigsbee, Harshavardhan Kenche, Sonia K. Michail, Harry J. Khamis, and Oleg Paliy


Effects of Time, Temperature, and Storage Container on the Growth of Fusarium Species: Implications for the Worldwide Fusarium Keratitis Epidemic of 2004-2006, John D. Bullock, B. Laurel Elder, Harry J. Khamis, and Ronald E. Warwar

Graphene platelets and their manganese composites for lithium ion batteries, S. L. Cheekati, Y. Xing, Yan Zhuang, and H. Huang

Lithium storage characteristics in nano-graphene platelets, S. L. Cheekati, Y. Xing, Yan Zhuang, and H. Huang


Quantitative Interpretation of a Genetic Model of Carcinogenesis Using Computer Simulations, Donghai Dai, Brandon Beck, Xiaofang Wang, Cory Howk, and Yi Li

Recovery of an Interface From Boundary Measurement in an Elliptic Differential Equation, Weifu Fang and Suxig Zeng

High quality factor RF inductors using low loss conductor featured with skin effect suppression for standard CMOS/BiCMOS, I. Iramnaaz, T. Sandoval, Yan Zhuang, H. Schellevis, and B. Rejaei

Graphene based RF/microwave impedance sensing of DNA, I. Iramnaaz, Y. Xing, K. Xue, Yan Zhuang, and R. Fitch

The Association Graph and the Multigraph for Loglinear Models, Harry J. Khamis


Multiple Solutions for an Elliptic Problem Related to Vortex Pairs, Yi Li and Shuangjie Peng


Projective-Planar Graphs With No K3,4-Minor, John Maharry and Dan Slilaty

dGlucose is Related to Renal Function Changes in Diabetes, Anil K. Mandal, Linda M. Hiebert, and Harry J. Khamis


The Constructions of Almost Binary Sequence Pairs and Binary Sequence Pairs with Three-Level Autocorrelation, Xiuping Peng, Chengqian Xu, Guang Li, and Krishnasamy T. Arasu

On the Rate of Convergence in Normal Approximation and Large Deviation Probabilities for a Class of Statistics, M. L. Purif and M. Seoh


Linear Transformations and the k-Means Clustering Algorithm: Applications to Clustering Curves, Thaddeus Tarpey

On the Meaning of Parameters in Approximation Models, Thaddeus Tarpey

Thin liquid film morphology driven by electro-static field, E. M. Tian, Thomas P. Svobodny, and J. D. Phillips

Evaluation of graphene and graphene derivatives for RF-impedance based sensing, Yun Xing, Hong Huang, and Yan Zhuang

Submissions from 2010

Regression Uncertainty Quantification Using Bootstrap Method for Residual Stress Field Predictions, Hemanth Amarchinta, Thaddeus Tarpey, and Ramana V. Grandhi


The Positive Solutions of the Matukuma Equation and the Problem of Finite Radius and Finite Mass, Jurgen Batt and Yi Li

A Retrospective Statistical Analysis of the Fusarium Keratitis Epidemic of 2004–2006, John D. Bullock and Harry J. Khamis

Traveling Wave Solutions of the One Dimensional Diffusion-Reaction Equation, Xiaojie Hou and Yi Li

Sample Size in Multiple Regression: 20 + 5k, Harry J. Khamis and Mike Kepler


Computing the Location and the Direction of Bifurcation for Sign Changing Solutions, Philip Korman and Yi Li

An Exact Multiplicity Result for a Class of Semilinear Equations, Philip Korman, Yi Li, and Tiancheng Ouyang

A Comparison of Statistical Tests for Assessing the Proportional Hazards Assumption in the Cox Model When Covariates Are Measured with Error, Inger Persson and Harry J. Khamis


Traveling Wave Solutions for a Nonlocal Reaction-Diffusion Model of Influenza A Drift, Joaquin Riviera and Yi Li


Integer Functions on the Cycle Space and Edges of a Graph, Dan Slilaty

Modeling Placebo Response Via Infinite Mixtures, Thaddeus Tarpey

Optimal Partitioning for Linear Mixed Effects Models: Applications to Identifying Placebo Responders, Thaddeus Tarpey


Latent Regression Analysis, Thaddeus Tarpey and Eva Petkova


Modelling Placebo Response via Infinite Mixtures, Thaddeus Tarpey and Eva Petkova


Principal Point Classification: Applications to Differentiating Drug and Placebo Responses in Longitudinal Studies, Thaddeus Tarpey and Eva Petkova


Optimal Partitioning for Linear Mixed Effects Models: Applications to Identifying Placebo Responders, Thaddeus Tarpey, Eva Petkova, Yimeng Lu, and Usha Govindarajulu


On Construction of the Smallest One-Sided Confidence Interval for the Difference of Two Proportions, Weizhen Wang


On Hypothesis Testing With a Partitioned Random Alternative, Weizhen Wang

Some Remarks on the Positive Solution for a Semilinear Shrödinger-Poisson-Slater System in Rn, Shuqing Zhou and Yi Li

Submissions from 2009

Nonreciprocal spin waves in Co-Ta-Zr films and multilayers, Pedram Khalili Amiri, Behzad Rejaei, Yan Zhuang, Marina Vroubel, Dok Won Lee, and Shan X. Wang

Reflector Problem in ℝN Endowed With Non-Euclidean Norm, Luis A. Caffarelli and Qingbo Huang


Regularity of the Solutions for Nonlinear Biharmonic Equations in Rn, Yinbin Deng and Yi Li


A Note on the Positive Solutions of an Inhomogeneous Elliptic Equation on Rn, Yinbin Deng, Yi Li, and Fen Yang

Numerical Recovery of Robin Boundary From Boundary Measurements for the Laplace Equation, Weifu Fang and Suxig Zeng


A Direct Solution of the Robin Inverse Problem, Weifu Fang and Suxing Zeng

The Refractor Problem in Reshaping Light Beams, Cristian E. Gutiérrez and Qingbo Huang

Mathematical modeling for colloidal dispersion undergoing Brownian motion, Chaocheng Huang

Sharp Regularity Results on Second Derivatives of Solutions to the Monge-Ampère Equation With Vmo Type Data, Qingbo Huang


A Berry-Esseen Theorem for Sample Quantiles Under Weak Dependence, S. N. Lahiri and Shuxia Sun

Periodic Traveling Waves in SIRS Endemic Models, Tong Li, Yi Li, and Herbert W. Hethcote


Periodic Traveling Waves in SIRS Endemic Models, Tong Li, Yi Li, and Herbert W. Hethcote


Partitioning of Functional Data for Understanding Heterogeneity in Psychiatric Conditions, Eva Petkova and Thaddeus Tarpey


Predicting Potential Placebo Effect in Drug Treated Subjects, Eva Petkova, Thaddeus Tarpey, and Usha Govindarajulu


The Regular Excluded Minors for Signed-Graphic Matroids, Hongxun Qin, Dan Slilaty, and Xiangqian Zhou

All Models are Right...Most are Useless, Thaddeus Tarpey

Submissions from 2008

Professor Gopal Kanji's Retirement as Editor of Journal of Applied Statistics, M. C. Agrawal, Steven B. Caudill, S. Chakraborti, Norman Draper, Ian Dryden, Joe Gani, Steven G. Gilmour, Z. Govindarajulu, David J. Hand, Philip Hans Franses, Raghu Kacker, Harry J. Khamis, Andre I. Khuri, Toby Lewis, Kanti Mardia, Geoff McLachlan, Dayanand Naik, Phil Prescott, V.S. Sampath Kumar, Sadao Tomizawa, and Henry Wynn

Integrated microstrip lines with Co-Ta-Zr magnetic films, Pedram Khalili Amiri, Behzad Rejaei, Yan Zhuang, Marina Vroubel, Dok Won Lee, Shan X. Wang, and Joachim N. Burghartz


On the Regularity of Reflector Antennas, Luis A. Caffarelli, Cristian E. Gutiérrez, and Qingbo Huang

Bifurcation and Stability of Periodic Solutions of Duffing Equations, Hongbin Chen and Yi Li

Existence and Decay Properties of Positive Solutions for an Inhomogeneous Semilinear Elliptic Equation, Yinbin Deng, Yujin Guo, and Yi Li

Matched Samples Logistic Regression In Case-Control Studies With Missing Values: When To Break the Matches, Lisbeth Hansson and Harry J. Khamis


Asymptotic Behavior of Linearized Viscoelastic Flow Problem, Yinnian He and Yi Li

Modeling groundwater in multimodal porous media with localized decompositions, Chaocheng Huang and Zhenxue Dai

Measures of Association: How to Choose?, Harry J. Khamis

Verification of Bifurcation Diagrams for Polynomial-Like Equations, Philip Korman, Yi Li, and Tiancheng Ouyang


On the Semistability of the Minimal Positive Steady State for a Nonhomogeneous Semilinear Cauchy Problem, BaiShun Lai and Yi Li

Exclusive Traveling Waves for Competitive Reaction-Diffusion Systems and Their Stabilities, Anthony Leung, Xiaojie Hou, and Yi Li

Nodal Solutions of a Perturbed Elliptic Problem, Yi Li, Z. Liu, and C. Zhao

Stability of Travelling Waves with Noncritical Speeds for Double Degenerate Fisher-Type Equations, Yi Li and Yaping Wu


Origin of Conductive Surface Layer in Annealed ZnO, David C. Look, B. Claflin, and Helen Smith

Low-loss on-chip transmission lines with micro-patterned artificial dielectric shields, Y. Ma, B. Rejaei, and Yan Zhuang

A Comparison of Statistical Tests for Assessing the Proportional Hazards Assumption in the Cox Model, Inger Persson and Harry J. Khamis


Connectivity in Frame Matroids, Dan Slilaty and Hongxun Qin


The Signed-Graphic Representations of Wheels and Whirls, Dan Slilaty and Hongxun Qin


Model Misspecification: Finite Mixture or Homogeneous?, Thaddeus Tarpey, Dong Yun, and Eva Petkova

Submissions from 2007


Rate of Decay of Stable Periodic Solutions of Duffing Equations, Hongbin Chen


Existence, Uniqueness, and Stability of Periodic Solutions of an Equation of Duffing-Type, Hongbin Chen and Yi Li


Stability and Exact Multiplicity of Periodic Solutions of Duffing Equations with Cubic Nonlinearities, Hongbin Chen and Yi Li

Ameboid Cell Motility: A Model and Inverse Problem, with an Application to Live Cell Imaging Data, Huseyin Coskun, Yi Li, and Michael A. Mackey

Exponential Decay for Nonlinear Biharmonic Equations, Yinbin Deng and Yi Li

Multi-Phase Permittivity Reconstruction in Electrical Capacitance Tomography by Level-Set Methods, Weifu Fang


On the Direction of Pitchfork Bifurcation, Xiaojie Hou, Philip Korman, and Yi Li

Biostatistics for the Clinical Scientist, Harry J. Khamis

Statistiksundervisning i Sverige och i USA: Likheterna och Skillnaderna, Harry J. Khamis

In vivo h-VEGF(165) Gene Transfer Improves Early Endothelialisation and Patency in Synthetic Vascular Grafts, Mika Lahtinen, Pontus Blomberg, Giedrius Baliulis, Fredrik Carlsson, Harry J. Khamis, and Vitas Zemgulis


Locating the Peaks of Least-Energy Solutions to a Quasilinear Elliptic Neumann Problem, Yi Li and Chunshan Zhao

On the Shape of Least-Energy Solutions for a Class of Quasilinear Elliptic Neumann Problems, Yi Li and Chunshan Zhao


Second-Order Optimality Conditions for Constrained Domain Optimization, David F. Miller


A Comparison of Graphical Methods for Assessing the Proportional Hazards Assumptions in the Cox Model, Inger Persson and Harry J. Khamis