Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Investigating the Multi-Faceted Nature of Cyberloafing Based on Job Features, Alexandria Bohn
Leadership and Secure Base, Bincy Davis
Short-term Learning for Long-term Retention : Dynamic Associative Memory, Joseph James Glavan IV
Development and Validation of a Norm Violation Sexual Harassment Scale, Krista N. Harris
Establishing Roots Before Branching Out: Parameter Recovery in Item Response Tree Models, Tyler Ryan
Autonomy :A Modern Perspective, Riley Schwanz
Pragmatically Appropriate Abstractive Summarization of JTAC Radio Conversations, Spencer M. Seals
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Personality and Organizational Justice Effects on Counterproductive Work Behavior, Alec C. Drabish
Indirect Effects of Social Stressors, Emotional Labor, and Voice Facets on Attitudinal and Behavioral Outcomes through Burnout, Maria Alejandra Flores Espina
User Interface Design for Supervisory Control of Multiple Manned and Unmanned Air Vehicles, Taleri Lynn Hammack
Perpetrator Workplace Aggression: Development of a Perpetrator Aggression Scale (PAS), Md Rashedul Islam
Testing the Lumberjack Analogy: Automation, Situational Awareness, and Mental Workload, Justin W. Morgan
Investigating the Efficacy of Novel Measures of Careless Responding to Tests, Mark Christopher Ramsey
Word Superiority Effects in Dyslexics, Sarah A. Sinclair-Amend
The Effect of Fractal Dimensionality on Behavioral Judgments of Built Environments, William Andrew Stalker
Using Metaperceptions to Evaluate Conscientiousness and Predict GPA, Montana R. Woolley
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Promises and Pitfalls of Machine Learning Classifiers for Inter-Rater Reliability Annotation, Lucille Dorothy Ayres
Role Overload: Examining the Definition and Measurement of a Common Work Stressor, Sean Becker
Role Overload: Examining the Definition and Measurement of a Common Work Stressor, Sean Becker
Investigating the Relationship Between Ethics Program Components, Individual Attributes, and Perceptions of Ethical Climate, Aaron Buchanan
Ecological Interface Design for Flexible Manufacturing Systems: An Empirical Assessment of Direct Perception and Direct Manipulation in the Interface, Dylan G. Cravens
Ecological Interface Design for Flexible Manufacturing Systems: An Empirical Assessment of Direct Perception and Direct Manipulation in the Interface, Dylan G. Cravens
Mind Wandering as a Result of Failed Self-regulation: An Examination of Novel Antecedents, Kent Etherton
An Interaction Between Anthropomorphism and Personality on Trust in Automated Systems, Abraham Haskins
Capturing Intentional Testing of an Automated System, Abraham Haskins
Understanding and Improving Coordination Efficiency in the Minimum Effort Game: Counterfactual- and Behavioral-Based Nudging and Cognitive Modeling, Alexander R. Hough
Understanding Human Decision Making with Automation Using Systems Factorial Technology, Cara M. Kneeland
Developing a Nomological Network to Incorporate Learned Helplessness into Industrial-Organizational Psychology, Nicholas Kovacs
Confidence in Organizational Science Procedures: Development and Measurement of a Novel Construct, Alice Pyclik
The Effect of Careless Responding Warnings on Construct Validity, Mark A. Roebke
The Predictive Power of Machiavellianism, Emotional Manipulation, Agreeableness, and Emotional Intelligence on Counterproductive Work Behaviors, Ryan L. Walters
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Assessing Implicit Leadership and Followership Theories, Daniel Bashore
What Are You Looking At? Using Eye-Tracking to Provide Insight into Careless Responding, Cheyna Katherine Brower
Trust Discounting in the Multi-Arm Trust Game, Michael Collins
Examining the Role of Trust in Peer-Assisted Learning, Peter Crowe
Attitude strength and situational strength as moderators of the job satisfaction – job performance relationship, Joseph William Dagosta
Extraversion and Emotional Expressiveness: Moderators of the Relationship between Curmudgeon Personality and the Quality of Social Relationships, Md Rashedul Islam
Comparing Dichotomous and Polytomous Items Using Item Response Trees, Daniel Jenkins
Induction and Transferral of Flow in the Game Tetris, Kevin John O'Neill
Discriminating Targets among Distractors in a Virtual Shopping Environment with Different Rack Orientations: Testing a Model of Visibility, Tyler Sinclair Whitlock
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Using EEG to Examine the Top Down Effects on Visual Object Processing, Joseph D. Borders
The Effect of Emotional Competencies on Team Functioning, Morgan R. Borders
A Situational Judgment Test of Self-Control and its Relationship to Academic Performance: Development of a New Measure, Michael Brady
Identifying Diversity of Thought on Social Media, Beth Bullemer
Spatialized Auditory and Vibrotactile Cueing for Dynamic Three-Dimensional Visual Search, Rachel J. Cunio
Neurobehavioral Effects of Multi-Tasking, Elizabeth Lynn Fox
Creating a Well-Situated Human-Autonomy Team: The Effects of Team Structure, Elizabeth Marie Frost
Stop what you’re doing, right now! Effects of interactive messages on careless responding, Anthony Gibson
Learned Helplessness in Industrial-Organizational Psychology: Relationships with Locus of Control, Self-Efficacy, and Feedback-Seeking Behavior, Nicholas Kovacs
Antecedents of Voice: The Moderating Role of Proactive Personality, Alice Pyclik
The Development of a Lexicon for the Communication of Action in Cooperative Work, Claire Supriya Shah
Impact of Spatial Variability and Masker Fringe on the Detectability of a Brief Signal, Michelle H. Wang
Who is Better and Who is Best? What Differentiates Stars from the Rest, Montana R. Woolley
Prevalence Visual Search: Optimal Performance and The Description-Experience Gap, Hanshu Zhang
Gauging Human Performance with an Automated Aid in Low Prevalence Conditions, Cara M. Zinn
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Determining Cutoffs for the Psychometric Synonym Analysis to Detect IER, Tyler Barnes
Exploring the Influence of Meditation Experience on Stress Responses and Empathy: The Mediating Role of Self-Expansion, Jennifer N. Baumgartner
Too Long and Too Boring: The Effects of Survey Length and Interest on Careless Responding, Cheyna Katherine Brower
The Biobehavioral Model of Persuasion: The Role of Cognitive Processing in Challenge and Threat Message Framing, August Capiola
Self-efficacy - Performance Discrepancies: Examining How Over- and Underestimations of Ability Progress Over Time, Kent Cooper Etherton
Symbol Grounding in Social Media Communications, Andrew J. Hampton
Measurement of the Propensity to Trust Automation, Sarah Ann Jessup
Semantic and Structural Influences on Spatial Knowledge Acquisition, Robert B. May
Recurrence Quantification Models of Human Conversational Grounding Processes: Informing Natural Language Human-Computer Interaction, Clayton D. Rothwell
Comparison of Cyber Network Defense Visual Displays, Christen Elizabeth Lopez Sushereba
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Interface Design for the Supervisory Control of Multiple Heterogeneous Unmanned Vehicles, Kyle Joseph Behymer
I Saw Something, Do I Say Something? The Role of the Organization, Supervisor, and Coworkers in Encouraging Workers to Peer Report Others’ Counterproductive Work Behavior, Joseph William Dagosta
The Role of Peripheral Vision in Configural Spatial Knowledge Acquisition, Lisa J. Douglas
The Effect of Action Video Game Play on the Distribution and Resolution of Visuospatial Attention, Andrew Thomas Fent
Exploring the Time-Based Resource-Sharing Model of Working Memory Through Computational Modeling, Joseph Glavan
Predicting Goal Progress and Burnout Using Goal Hierarchies, Truman J. Gore
Multi-Gain Control: Balancing Demands for Speed and Precision, Lucas Warner Lemasters
Aggression and boxing performance: Testing the channeling hypothesis with multiple statistical methodologies, Silas G. Martinez
Sampling expertise: Incorporating goal establishment and goal enactment into theories of expertise to improve measures of performance, Frank Eric Robinson
Role of Self-Efficacy and Anxiety in Resilience Effects on Performance and Well-Being, Kathleen Renee Wylds
Processing global properties in Scene Categorization, Hanshu Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Detecting Insufficient Effort Responding: An Item Response Theory Approach, Tyler Douglas Barnes
Heterogeneous Versus Homogeneous Measures: A Meta-Analysis of Predictive Efficacy, Suzanne Lee Dean
The Effect of Tactile and Audio Feedback in Handheld Mobile Text Entry, Christopher L. Edman
How configural is the Configural Superiority Effect? A neuroimaging investigation of emergent features in visual cortex, Olivia Michelle Fox
Interaction of Top-Down and Bottom-Up Search with Magnocellular- and Parvocellular-Mediated Stimuli, James Samuel Garrett
Stop With the Questions Already! The Effects of Questionnaire Length and Monetary Incentives on Insufficient Effort Responding., Anthony Gibson
A Computational Model of the Temporal Processing Characteristics of Visual Priming in Search, Jordan M. Haggit
Explaining Race Differences in Academic Performance: The Role of Perceived Expectations & Outcome Valence, Devin Christopher Houston
The Influence of Implicit and Explicit Gender Bias on Grading, and the Effectiveness of Rubrics for Reducing Bias, Sarah Marie Jackson
Understanding the Use of Online Health Information Technology by People With and Without Visual Disabilities, John K. Kegley
Cognition of Shared Decision Making: The Case of Multiple Sclerosis, Katherine Domjan Lippa
A Bifactor Model of Burnout? An Item Response Theory Analysis of the Maslach Burnout Inventory - Human Services Survey, David Andrew Periard
Spatial Knowledge Acquisition on GPS Navigational Map Displays: Influence of Landmarks on Sequentially Presented, Partial Maps, Caitlan A. Rizzardo
Generalizability of Predictive Performance Optimizer Predictions across Learning Task Type, Haley Pace Wilson
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
The Influence of Flow on Standard and Adaptive Performance in Teams, Jennifer N. Baumgartner
Not all Forms of Misbehavior are Created Equal: Perpetrator Personality and Differential Relationships with CWBs, Caleb Braxton Bragg
Reasonable Reasoner: The Influence of Intervention Strategy, System Parameters and their Representation on Causal Understanding, Beth Cristina Bullemer
Once Careless, Always Careless? Temporal and Situational Stability of Insufficient Effort Responding (IER), Kelly Ann Camus
Chat Communication in a Command and Control Environment: How Does It Help?, April M. Courtice
Cognitive Analysis of Multi-Sensor Information, Elizabeth Lynn Fox
Detecting Structure in Activity Sequences: Exploring the Hot Hand Phenomenon, Taleri Lynn Hammack
A Study of Exercise: Intentions and Behavior, Michael Raymond Hoepf