Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Tailoring Branching for Poly (Arylene Ether)s via Reactivity Ratio Controlled Polymerizations, Amanda Ike
A Hybrid Approach to Retrieving Web Documents and Semantic Web Data, Trivikram Immaneni
Design of a Controller to Control Light Level in a Commercial Office, Saeid Javidbakht
The Effect of Configural Displays on Pilot Situation Awareness in Helmet-Mounted Displays, Joseph C. Jenkins
Data Mining and Analysis on Multiple Time Series Object Data, Chunyu Jiang
Black Hole: The Role of Black Aesthetics in Science Fiction, Thomas Leo Johnson
Modeling and Simulation of a Microturbine Generator to be Coupled With a Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell for Distributed Generation, Karleine M. Justice
Role of Angiotensin Converting Enzymes Ace and Ace2 in Diabetes Induced Cardiovascular Dysfunction, Keerthy Kanakamedala
DUE-B in Chromatin and Nuclear Speckles, Nadia Katrangi
Library / IT Mergers in Ohio's Public Two-Year Colleges: An Exploratory Study, Douglas Kaylor
Stability and Static Noise Margin Analysis of Static Random Access Memory, Rajasekhar Keerthi
Minute Doping of Pulsed Laser Deposition Processed Y123 Thin Films with Tb, Ce, and Pr, Joseph William Kell
Differential effects of mutant TAp63γ on transactivation of p53 and/or p63 responsive genes and their effects on global gene expression, Shama Khan Khokhar
An Analysis of Neutral Drift's Effect on the Evolution of a CTRNN Locomotion Controller with Noisy Fitness Evaluation, Gregory Robert Kramer
AlGaN/GaN HEMT Topology Investigation Using Measured Data and Device Modeling, Derrick Langley
Discrimination Across The Sectors: A Comparison of Discrimination Trends in Private and Public Organizations, Megan K. Leasher
Analysis of a Small-Signal Model of a PWM DC-DC Buck-Boost Converter in CCM, Julie JoAnn Lee
Moving On: A Novel, Brian P. Leingang
Non-Cooperative Modulation Recognition Via Exploitation of Cyclic Statistics, Eric C. Like
On Optimal Survivability Design in WDM Optical Networks under Scheduled Traffic Models, Tianjian Li
High Performance Text Document Clustering, Yanjun Li
Processing Nano Graphene Plates (NGPs) and NGP Nanocomposite, Yena Li
XML Integrated Environment for Service-Oriented Data Management, Marwan Younes Maarouf
Particle Based Plasma Simulation for an Ion Engine Discharge Chamber, Sudhakar Mahalingam
Rolling Mill Optimization Using an Accurate and Rapid New Model For Mill Deflection and Strip Thickness Profile, Arif Sultan Malik
GPU-Assisted Rendering of Large Tree-shaped Data Sets, Pallavi Ramachandra Mangalvedkar
Comparative Microarray Data Mining, Shihong Mao
An Initial Methodology For The Definition And Implementation Of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Agent Behaviors, William Eric Marsh
Effect of Variable Feedback Delay on Visual Target-Acquisition Performance, Julio Christian Mateo
Estimates in the Generalized Morrey Space for Linear Parabolic Systems, Matthew Scott McBride
Visual Search Performance in a Dynamic Environment with 3D Auditory Cues, John Paul McIntire
Work-Nonwork Goal Conflict: A Self-Regulatory Expansion of Work Life Conflict, John Michael McKee
Characteristics of a Foamy Virus-Derived Vector that allow for safe Autologous Gene Therapy to correct Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency Type 1, Ryan Matthew McNichol
Design and Validation of a High-lift Low-pressure Turbine Blade, Mark W. McQuilling
Structural and Signaling Elements Important for the Efficient Degradation of BHMT through Macroautophagy, Carol A. Mercer
The Secret Serbian-Bulgarian Treaty of Alliance of 1904 and the Russian Policy in the Balkans Before the Bosnian Crisis, Kiril Valtchev Merjanski
Polarization Reversal in Potassium Titanyl Phosphate, William D. Mitchell
Seasonal Variation in the Redox Zones and Biogeochemical Processes within the Constructed Wetland, Yussuf Mohamud
Fabrication and Study of ZnO Micro- and Nanostructures, Monica Morales-Masis
Evanescent Microwave Characterization of carbon Nanotube Films Grown on Silicon Carbide Substrate, Kineshma Munbodh
Oxidation Resistant Coatings on Microcelluar Carbon Foam using Simple Scalable Techniques, Dakshinamurthy Sharma Nagalingam
Beneath The Invisibility Cloak: Myth and The Modern World View in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter, Mary Elizabeth Noren
Discovery of New Antimicrobial Agents using Combinatorial Chemistry, William I. Northern
Religious Pluralism in Mauritius and Turkey, Morgan J. O'Brien III
Fabrication of Silver Nanoparticles by Solution Phase Method and Physical Characterization of Their Arrays, Jaesung Oh
Multilingual Articulatory Features for Speech Recognition, Brian M. Ore
Cognitive Ability, Job Knowledge, and Stereotype Threat: When does Adverse Impact Result?, Mark V. Palumbo
Transformation of Formally Defined Post-Conditions into Target Language Statements, Swetha Padma Parvathaneni
Bezier Surface Generation of the Patella, Dale A. Patrick
A GNU Radio Based Software-Defined Radar, Lee K. Patton
Angiotensin AT1 Receptor Blockade Protects the Brain from Ischemic Damage, Madhuri Penchikala
Role-Based Access Control for the Open Grid Services Architecture - Data Access and Integration (OGSA-DAI), Anil L. Pereira
Porosity and Permeability of Bimodal Sediment Mixtures using Natural Sediment, Peter M. Phillips
On-Chip Signal Generation and Response Waveform Extraction for Analog Built-In-Self-Test, Brian Poling
Laser Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy of molecular bromine: Observations of Emission to High Vibrational Levels in the Ground (X) State, David Jonathan Postell
Implementation for a Coherent Keyword-Based XML Query Language, Venkatakalyan Potturi
Designing Computer Agents with Personality to Improve Human-Machine Collaboration in Complex Systems, Sasanka V. Prabhala
The Effects of Representational Format and Discourse Principles on the Comprehension and Production of Temporal Order, Louise J. Rasmussen
Investigation of Interactions between Rev and Microtubules: Purification of Wild-type and Mutant Rev Protein and Optimization of Microtubule Depolymerization Assays, Miller, Kelly Robbins
Characterization and Modeling Methodology of Polytetrafluoroethylene Based Reactive Materials for the Development of Parametric Models, Stephen D. Rosencrantz
FPGA based Hardware Implementation of Advanced Encryption Standard, Sowrirajan Sampath
High Spurious-Free Dynamic Range Digital Wideband Receiver for Multiple Signal Detection and Tracking, Vivek Sarathy
An Evolutionary Programming Algorithm for Automatic Chromatogram Alignment, Bonnie Jo Schwartz
Classification of Microarray Data to Predict Toxic Exposure, Tarek A. Seleem
Design and Implementation of Timeline Application for News Documents, Mastan Vali Shaik
The Value of Deliberative Democratic Practices to Civic Education, Brooke M. Shannon
Molecular Identification of Chironomid Species Based on Its-1 and Its-2 Regions of rDNA, Monita Sharma
Simple Descriptors for Modeling the Solubility of Gases, Alcohols, and Halogenated Hydrocarbons in Water, Sule Sidigu
Hydrophobically Modified Polyethyleneimines and Ethoxylated Polyethyleneimines, Michael Joseph Simons
Functional Interplay Between Subthreshold Ion Channels in Preautonomic Neurons of the Hypothalamic Paraventricular Nucleus in Health and Disease Conditions, Patrick M. Sonner
Immunological and Developmental Effects of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) and 2,3,7,8-tetrachloro-p-dioxin (TCDD) in Birds, Randy T. Stetzer
Synthetic Routes to a Fused-Ring Sydnoquinazoline, Gregory Edmond Storer
The False Promise of International Financial Institutions in Building Stable Democracies in Third World Countries, Foday Sulimani
Biochemical Characterization of hTRF1 and hTEP1, Two Proteins Involved in Telomere Maintenance, Kambiz Tahmaseb
The Effects of Physical Activity and a Single Gender Learning Community on the Success of First Year College Males, Cory D. Taylor
Preparation and Derivatization of Novel Sydnonimines and their Esters, Timothy Luke Teschler
Bibliography Tools in the Context of WWW and LATEX, Munushree Thummala
Biogeochemical Processes and Seasonal Effects in Flow-Through Mesocosm Reactors Simulating Constructed Wetlands, Sarah J. Tritschler
VGLUT and GAD65 Expression in Physiologically Characterized Ia Afferents, Ivonne Nkoli Ukpabi
Detection and Destruction of Escherichia Coli Bacteria and Bacteriophage Using Biofunctionalized Nanoshells, Joseph E. Van Buren
HSV-1 Infection of C3H Central Nervous System Cell Lines, Lauren Kay Van Buren
Development of an Intelligent Autonomous Coffee Maker, Nicholas J. Vanderpool
Synthetic approach to epibatidine from 1-(phenylsulfonyl)pyrrole, Brandon G. VanNess
Comparative Characterization of Superconducting Thin Films Fabricated by Different Techniques, Padma Prasuna S. Vemulakonda
An Analog Evolvable Hardware Device for Active Control, Saranyan A. Vigraham
Formation of a Sydno[3,4- a]indolone and Reactions Thereof, Ryan Christopher Vikan
Change Detection Methods for Hyperspectral Imagery, Karmon Marie Vongsy
Non-State Actors and Asymmetric Warfare: A New Paradigm for International Relations, Matthew H. Wahlert
High-speed Low-voltage CMOS Flash Analog-to-Digital Converter for Wideband Communication System-on-a-Chip, Mingzhen Wang
Modifiable Poly(arylene ether)s and Hyperbranched Poly(esters), Brian Scott Werry
Synthesis and Electrical Properties of Fluorenyl Polyesters Incorporating Diamond Fragments, Kevin John Wiacek
Oral LD50 of Botulinum Toxin Serotype A in Guinea Pigs, Christina Marie Wilhelm
Phase-Locked PIV Investigation of the Effects of the Blowing Ratio of a Pulsed Vortex Generator Jet in a Low-pressure Turbine, Nathan Michael Woods
Analysis of Sex Reversal and TRA-2 Nucleotide Variation in Tropical and Temperate Clades of Caenorhabditis Briggsae, Irene Zelepuhin
Geophysical Reconnaissance of Karst Features Associated with Sinkholes on the Antioch University Campus in Yellow Springs, Ohio: Western Area, Brent Matthew Zerkel
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Robust Estimation of Reliability in the Presence of Multiple Failure Modes, Phani R. Adduri
Characterizing Battlefield Human Decision Making with Value Focused Thinking and Reliability Modeling, Fawaz Al-Karaeen
Multi-Attribute Optimization Based on Conjoint Analysis, Hemanth K. Amarchinta