Submissions from 2010
My Kind of People, Nancy Mack
Questions I Have Been Asked, Nancy Mack
Teaching Grammar with Poetry Patterns: Reading, Writing, and Reflecting, Nancy Mack
Using Poetry to Teach Grammar, Nancy Mack
Vygotsky, Self-Regulation, and the Work of Emotion, Nancy Mack
Submissions from 2009
The Summer of Cancer, Erin Flanagan
Creole Aesthetics and Indigenous Identity in the Caribbean, Shona N. Jackson
The Economy of Babel or "Can I Buy a Vowel?", Shona N. Jackson
American Hungers: The Problem of Poverty in U.S. Literature, 1840-1945, Carol Loranger
Prospects for the Study of American Literature, Carol Loranger
Multigenre Writing: A New Wave of Hybrid, Cross-Genre, and Multimodal Assignments, Nancy Mack
Representations of the Field in Graduate Courses: Using Parody to Question All Positions, Nancy Mack
Skunk, Nancy Mack
The Imposter Phenomenon as Academic Identity Conflict: A Pedagogy of Welcome for Working Class Students, Nancy Mack
CCCC Statement of Second Language Writing and Writers, S. Miller-Cochran, C. Hooper-Ortmeier, M. Cox, A. Dadak, K. E. DePew, Deborah J. Crusan, H. Hoang, J. Jordan, P. K. Matsudu, J. Moore, G. Scott, and S. Simpson
Writing Genre Parodies to Better Understand Rhetoric, David Seitz
Submissions from 2008
A Democrat in Nebraska, Erin Flanagan
Review of Enid Shomer’s Tourist Season, Erin Flanagan
The "I" of Possibility: A Theory of Creole Indigeneity in the Caribbean, Shona N. Jackson
Book Review: Re-Visiting Angela Carter: Texts, Contexts, Intertexts, Hope Jennings
Dystopian Matriarchies: Deconstructing the Womb in Angela Carter's Heroes and Villains and The Passion of New Eve, Hope Jennings
Fable, Hope Jennings
The Elements of Literacy, Julie Lindquist and David Seitz
American Naturalism and the Jews: Garland, Norris, Dreiser, Wharton, and Cather, Carol Loranger
Don’t Let Grammar Make You Grumpy: Brain Friendly Language Strategies, Nancy Mack
Energy and Enthusiasm: Don’t Start the School Year without Them, Nancy Mack
"What Should I Write?" Helping Students Respond to Prompts, Nancy Mack
Women in Eighteenth-Century British Fiction and Transatlantic Politics, Martin Maner
The Making of Addiction: The “Use and Abuse” of Opium in Nineteenth-Century Britain by Louise Foxcroft (Review), Barry Milligan
Paradise Lost in Mission Kashmir: Global Terrorism, Local Insurgencies, and the Question of Kashmir in Indian Cinema, Alpana Sharma
New Pathways toward Understanding Self-in-Relation: Anzaldúan (Re)Visions for Developmental Psychology, Kelli D. Zaytoun
Submissions from 2007
Assessing Writing (review), Deborah J. Crusan
The Only Thing That Can Take You, Erin Flanagan
An Interview with Leila H. Taylor, Shona N. Jackson
Forward - Alien-Nation and Repatriation: Translating Identity in Anglophone Caribbean Literature, Shona N. Jackson
Love, Loss, and the "Art" of Making Gumbo: An Interview with Eileen Julien, Shona N. Jackson
Not Naming the Race: An Interview with Charles Henry Rowell, Shona N. Jackson
Perfecting Habit: Guyana Callaloo and the Migration of "Poor People's Food": An Interview with Evelyn London, Shona N. Jackson
What is this Thing Called Callaloo? An Introduction, Shona N. Jackson
An Unauthorised Other, Hope Jennings
Book Review: Red Riding Hood and the Wolf in Bed: Modernisms Fairy Tales, Hope Jennings
Dystopias of Matriarchal Power: Deconstructing the womb in Angela Carter’s Heroes and Villains and The Passion of New Eve, Hope Jennings
Promoting Engagement: Young Adult Literature, Picture Books, and Traditional Themes for Secondary Students, Sally Lamping, Nancy Mack, and Angela Beumer Johnson
A Son of the Middle Border / A Daughter of the Middle Border, Carol Loranger
Being the Namer or the Named: Working-Class Discourse Conflicts, Nancy Mack
Multigenre Folklore Reports: Creating a Dialogue Among Interviews and Sources, Nancy Mack
Politicized Representations of the Field: Using Parody to Question All Positions, Nancy Mack
Brunonianism, Radicalism, and ‘The Pleasures of Opium’, Barry Milligan
Shelley and Vitality by Sharon Ruston (Review), Barry Milligan
Mocking Discourse in Rhetoric: Fake Issue Ads and Critical Identity, David Seitz
Between Ethnographic and Virtual Worlds: A Pedagogy for Cultural and Technological Mediation, David Seitz and Julie Lindquist
Submissions from 2006
The Politics of Implimenting Online Dircted Self-Placement for Second Language Writers, Deborah J. Crusan
ESL Students in the Writing Course, Deborah J. Crusan and C. Cornett
I Don't Live in This Town, Erin Flanagan
Review of Brock Clarke’s Carrying the Torch, Erin Flanagan
Review of Nicholas Rinaldi’s Between Two Rivers, Erin Flanagan
Thanksgiving, Erin Flanagan
Forward - Race, Culture, and Identity: Francophone West African and Caribbean Literature and Theory from Négritude to Créolité, Shona N. Jackson
Guyana, Cuba, Venezuela and the "Routes" to Cultural Reconciliation between Latin America and the Caribbean, Shona N. Jackson
Race, Sex, and Historical Tension in the Search for the Transcendental Creole Subject, Shona N. Jackson
Academic Identities and Answerable Texts: Constructing a Multigenre Dialogue, Nancy Mack
Academic Identity Formation Conflicts: Procrastination, Shame, and the Imposter Syndrome, Nancy Mack
Ethical Representation of Working Class Lives: Multiple Genres, Voices, and Identities, Nancy Mack
It Takes a Village to Raise a Teacher: Hybrid Educators Working for Excellence in Teacher Education, Nancy Mack
Post-Tenure, Post-Standardized Testing, Post-Genre: Combating the Culture of Fear, Nancy Mack
The Representation of Working Class Lives: Multiple Genres, Voices, and Identities, Nancy Mack
The Authorship of Jonathan Swift’s A Tale of a Tub—Once More, Martin Maner
The Authorship of Swift’s A Tale of a Tub—Once More, Martin Maner
When Graduate Students Research Social Formations in Composition Studies: A Family Affair, David Seitz
Finding Class in the Field, David Seitz and Julie Lindquist
Theorizing at the Borders: Considering Social Location in Rethinking Self and Psychological Development, Kelli D. Zaytoun
Submissions from 2005
Every Sad Detail, Erin Flanagan
Review of Rattawut Lapcharoensap’s Sightseeing., Erin Flanagan
Series Editor's Introduction - 'Colón Man a Come’: Mythographies of Panama Canal Migration, Shona N. Jackson
Subjection and Resistance in the Transformation of Guyana’s Mytho-Colonial Landscape, Shona N. Jackson
The Contemporary Crisis in Guyanese National Identification, Shona N. Jackson
Blood & Ink: An International Guide to Fact-Based Crime Literature, Carol Loranger
Identity Theory and Multigenre Writing, Nancy Mack
Teaching Grammar Patterns with Playful Poetry, Nancy Mack
Wondering about Language: Giving Up Control to Get to Theory, Nancy Mack
Morphine-Addicted Doctors, the English Opium-Eater, and Embattled Medical Authority, Barry Milligan
Control in Students' Work Memoirs: A Developmental View of Critical Writing, David Seitz
Service Learning in Business Writing, David Seitz
Identity and Learning: The Inextricable Link, Kelli D. Zaytoun
Submissions from 2004
In this Weather, Erin Flanagan
The Recalcitrant Muse: Race, Sex and Historical Tension in the Search for the West Indian (Trans)subject, Shona N. Jackson
The Cambridge Companion to Theodore Dreiser, Carol Loranger
Multigenre Folklore Research Projects, Nancy Mack
Multiple Identities and Multigenre Projects: Authoring Academic Identity, Nancy Mack
Teacher’s Guide, Nancy Mack
The Opium Den in Victorian London, Barry Milligan
Making Work Visible, David Seitz
Theory Unwashed: Ethnography as Dirty Hands Rhetoric, David Seitz
Who Can Afford Critical Consciousness?: Practicing a Pedagogy of Humility, David Seitz
Submissions from 2003
Goldfish, Erin Flanagan
Laws of Relativity, Erin Flanagan
The Last Girlfriend, Erin Flanagan