Submissions from 2015
Review of Becky Adnot-Haynes’s The Year of Perfect Happiness, Erin Flanagan
Review of Charles Baxter’s There's Something I Want You to Do, Erin Flanagan
Review of Karin Lin-Greenberg’s Faulty Predictions, Erin Flanagan
Review of Kelly Link’s Get in Trouble, Erin Flanagan
Review of Megan Mayhew Bergman’s Almost Famous Women, Erin Flanagan
Review of Sarah Hepola’s Blackout: Remembering the Things I Drank to Forget, Erin Flanagan
The Baby, Erin Flanagan
The Days of Eggs, Erin Flanagan
Involuntary Settlers, Voluntary Colonials: The Contingent Nature of Subaltern Freedoms in the Caribbean, Shona N. Jackson
Labour, Solidarity, and Death: The Enunciative Freedoms of Involuntary Settler Politics, Shona N. Jackson
Nostalgia, Hope Jennings
The Editing of American Literature, 1890–1930: Essays and Reviews by Donald Pizer (review), Carol Loranger
The Outcast Poetics of Paul Laurence Dunbar and Edwin Arlington Robinson, Carol Loranger
Engaging Writers with Multigenre Research Projects: A Teachers Guide, Nancy Mack
Opium and the Orient: The Alien Within Us, Barry Milligan
Miami Valley StoryCorps: Robert Peterson and Karen Rosga, David Seitz
Afghanistan, Alpana Sharma
Cinematic Representation of Muslims in Indian Cinema, Alpana Sharma
From Here to There, Alpana Sharma
Strategies for Countering Discourses of Deficit in L2 Writing, Christine Tardy, Deborah J. Crusan, Grant Eckstein, Dana Ferris, Todd Ruecker, and Jennifer Slinkard
“Now Let Us Shift” the Subject: Tracing the Path and Posthumanist Implications of La Naguala / The Shapeshifter in the Works of Gloria Anzaldúa, Kelli D. Zaytoun
Submissions from 2014
Fake It 'Til You Make It: The Imposter Syndrome--the Dilemma of (Women) Academic, Deborah J. Crusan
Placement Testing, Deborah J. Crusan
Tanslingual Pedagogy and Writing Assessment: A Harmonious Union, Deborah J. Crusan
Crack of the Fruit, Erin Flanagan
Review of Anne Valente’s By Light We Knew Our Names, Erin Flanagan
Review of Jonathan Blum’s Last Word, Erin Flanagan
Review of Ladette Randolph’s Leaving the Pink House, Erin Flanagan
Humanity beyond the Regime of Labor: Antiblackness, Indigeneity, and the Legacies of Colonialism in the Caribbean, Shona N. Jackson
Indigeneity, Settler Colonialism, and Blackness: Responding to Shona Jackson’s Creole Indigeneity, Shona N. Jackson
Risk, Blackness, and Postcolonial Studies: An Introduction, Shona N. Jackson
The Re/Presentation of the Indigenous Caribbean in Literature, Shona N. Jackson
To be Anti-Black is to be Anti-Indigenous: Reflections on Emancipation, Shona N. Jackson
Book Review: Angela Carter and Decadence: Critical Fictions/Fictional Critiques, Hope Jennings
Book Review: Decadent Daughters and Monstrous Mothers: Angela Carter and European Gothic, Hope Jennings
Exploring Alternative Spaces for Pursuing Social Justice in the Women's Studies Classroom, Hope Jennings and Jennifer M. Money
Critical Memoir and Identity Formation: Being, Belonging, Becoming, Nancy Mack
Radio Interview: Shona N. Jackson, Vonulrick Martin and Shona N. Jackson
Doctoring the Novel: Medicine and Quackery from Shelley to Doyle, Barry Milligan
Assessment in English Language Teaching: Reviewing Essentials, Lia Plankans, Diane Schmitt, and Deborah J. Crusan
CCCC Controversy: Articulating the Relationship between L2 Writing and Translingual Writing, Todd Ruecker, C. Hooper-Ortmeier, Deborah J. Crusan, Christine Tardy, Paul Kei Matsuda, Dwight Atkinson, and Steve Simpson
Place-Based Genre Writing as Critical Expressivist Practice, David Seitz
Place-Based Genre Writing as Critical Expressivist Practice, David Seitz
Yellow Springs Kids Playhouse Celebrates 20th Anniversary, Embraces Change, David Seitz
Color Me White: Naturalism/Naturalization in American Literature (Review), Alpana Sharma
No Recourse but to the Nation: A Reading of Shonali Bose's Amu, Alpana Sharma
Submissions from 2013
Assessing Writing, Deborah J. Crusan
Designing and Writing Assessments and Rubrics, Deborah J. Crusan
The Form of Modernist Propaganda in Elizabeth Bowen’s The Heat of the Day, Megan Faragher
The Learning Theory, Erin Flanagan
The Theory of Second Best, Erin Flanagan
Disciplinary Lessons: Myth, Female Desire, and the Monstrous Maternal in Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight Series, Hope Jennings and Christine R. Wilson
Colorful Revision: Color-Coded Comments Connected to Instruction, Nancy Mack
Re-examining Writing Assessment Rubrics in the Classroom, Paul Kei Matsuda, Lia Plakans, Deborah J. Crusan, Jill Jeffery, and Miyuki Sasaki
Are You Assessment Literate?: Developing Assessment Knowledge for the Classroom, Diane Schmitt, Lia Plakans, and Deborah J. Crusan
Inside The World House, David Seitz
Mission Kashmiriyat: Paradise Lost and (Re)Gained?, Alpana Sharma
The Parchment of Kashmir (review), Alpana Sharma
Submissions from 2012
Evaluating Computer-Assisted Language Learning: An Integrated Approach to Effectiveness Research in CALL (review), Deborah J. Crusan
Strategies for Achieving Fair and Equitable L2 Writing Assessment, Deborah J. Crusan and Peggy Lindsey
Politics and Practice in Second Language Writing Assessment: International Perspectives, Deborah J. Crusan, Todd Ruecker, Lara Ravitch, Zhiling Wu, and Petcharat Saenpoch
Creole Indigeneity: Between Myth and Nation in the Caribbean, Shona N. Jackson
Genesis and Gender: The Word, the Flesh, and the Fortunate Fall in ‘Peter and the Wolf’ and ‘Penetrating to the Heart of the Forest’, Hope Jennings
A Journey Through American Literature (review), Carol Loranger
Bullying Reconsidered: Educating for Emotional Literacy, Nancy Mack
English Journal, Nancy Mack
Decolonizing the Modernist Mind, Alpana Sharma
Slumdog Millionaire: The Film, the Reception, the Book, the Global, Alpana Sharma
The Modernism of Shashi Deshpande, Alpana Sharma
A Declaration of Excellence for Placement of Second Language Writers, Danielle Z. Wetzel, Doreen Ewert, Jan Frodesen, and Deborah J. Crusan
A Case for the Self-in-Coalition: Exploring Anzaldúa's Legacy of La Naguala with Lugones' Complex Communication, Kelli D. Zaytoun
Beyond Self-Authorship: Fifth Order and the Capacity for Social Consciousness, Kelli D. Zaytoun
Submissions from 2011
The Machine Scoring of Essays: Redefining Writing Pedagogy?, Deborah J. Crusan
The Promise of Directed Self-Placement for Second Language Writers, Deborah J. Crusan
Good Country Stock, Erin Flanagan
The Wrong Man, Erin Flanagan
Basquiat after Dial: Bridging the Gap between Black Labor and Critique, Shona N. Jackson
How Faculty Attitudes and Expectations toward Student Nationality Affect Writing Assessment, Peggy Lindsey and Deborah J. Crusan
Consolation, Affirmation, and Convention: The Popular Reception of American Naturalist Texts, Carol Loranger
Making American Culture: A Social History 1900-1920 (review), Carol Loranger
A Place for Dialogue Among Home and Academic Voices: Multigenre Writing, Nancy Mack
Writing Multiple Genres: Connecting Local and Academic Knowledge, Nancy Mack
The Poet as Botanist by M. M. Mahood (Review), Barry Milligan
Mocking Discourse in Rhetoric: Parody and Pedagogy, David Seitz
Writing Place-Based Genres: Community Bonds, Local History, and Global Influences, David Seitz
Closet Feminists: Women at University Branch Campuses, Christine R. Wilson and Hope Jennings
Shifting, Kelli D. Zaytoun
Submissions from 2010
Assessment in the Second Language Writing Classroom, Deborah J. Crusan
Assess Thyself Lest Others Assess Thee, Deborah J. Crusan
Machine Scoring of Student Essays: Truth and Consequences (review), Deborah J. Crusan
All I Want is You, Erin Flanagan
Dog People, Erin Flanagan
Review of Ann Weisgarber’s The Personal History of Rachel DuPree., Erin Flanagan
The Good Neighbor, Erin Flanagan
The Baptism of Soil: Rooplall Monar and the Aesthetics of the Kala Pani Modern, Shona N. Jackson
"A Repeating World": Redeeming the Past and Future in the Utopian Dystopia of Jeanette Winterson's The Stone Gods, Hope Jennings
The Comic Apocalypse of The Year of the Flood, Hope Jennings
The Ethics of Nostalgia in Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things, Hope Jennings
The Prologue (To Everything that Came Before), Hope Jennings
A Thought, Nancy Mack