Submissions from 2003
The Usual Mistakes, Erin Flanagan
21st Century Neighborhoods: Examining, and Revitalizing, Our Students’ Communities, Nancy Mack
Critical Pedagogy and Its Discontents, Nancy Mack
Lunar Ladies, Nancy Mack
Teaching Grammar with Poetry, Nancy Mack
Introduction to Confessions of an English Opium-Eater and Other Writings, Barry Milligan
Mapping Social Class in a Range of Critical Pedagogies, David Seitz
In-Between Modernity: Toru Dutt (1856-1877) from a Postcolonial Perspective, Alpana Sharma
Submissions from 2002
An Assessment of ESL Writing Placement Assessment, Deborah J. Crusan
The Quagmire of Assessment for Placement Talking out of both Sides of our Mouths, Deborah J. Crusan
Any Ordinary Uncle, Erin Flanagan
Honda People, Erin Flanagan
Review of Heather Sellers’s Georgia Under Water, Erin Flanagan
Review of Steve Almond’s My Life in Heavy Metal, Erin Flanagan
Complaint Department, Nancy Mack
Composing the Critical Landscape: Modeling Teaching Through Theory, Nancy Mack
Ethnographic Writing in Undergraduate Composition Courses: Issues in Theory and Pedagogy, Nancy Mack
The Ins, Outs, and In-Betweens of Multigenre Writing, Nancy Mack
The Ins, Outs, and In-Betweens of Multigenre Writing: Encouraging Critique, Citation, and Creativity, Nancy Mack
Hard Lessons Learned Since the First Generation of Critical Pedagogy, David Seitz
Listening to the Voices in Your Draft, David Seitz
No More ‘Token Professionals!’: Making Curriculum Design the Center of Theory-Based Courses, David Seitz
Rhetoric in Action: An Ethnographic Approach to Rhetoric, David Seitz
Rhetoric in Action: An Ethnographic View, David Seitz
Towards a Pedagogy of Counterculture/Countering Culture: Globalization and the Case of Asian American Literature, Alpana Sharma
Submissions from 2001
Intervention, Erin Flanagan
Review of Christina Adam’s Any Small Thing Can Save You, Erin Flanagan
Ethnography in Undergraduate Writing Courses: Issues in Theory and Pedagogy, Nancy Mack
Found Materials, Nancy Mack
Romantic Generations: Essays in Honor of Robert F. Gleckner, Ghislaine McDayter, Guinn Batten, and Barry Milligan
‘To Gorge Upon a Sister’: Byron, Wordsworth, Castlereagh, and Tyrannical Assimilation, Barry Milligan
English 780: Teaching Research Writing, David Seitz
Ethnography in Undergraduate Writing Courses: Year 2, David Seitz
Body Matters: The Politics of Provocation in Mira Nair's Films, Alpana Sharma
Submissions from 2000
Kitchen Cooks, Plate Twirlers, and Troubadours: Writing Program Administrators Tell Their Stories (Review), Richard Bullock
The Writing Program Administrator as Researcher: Inquiry in Action and Reflection (Review), Richard Bullock
Intervention, Erin Flanagan
The Story of Gladys, Erin Flanagan
Selling Academic Success to the Working Class Student: Argumentative Writing Is a Failure, Nancy Mack
Teachers at the Write Site, Nancy Mack
The Research Process: A Complete Guide and Reference for Writers, Martin Maner
Alien Nation: Nineteenth-Century Gothic Fictions and English Nationality by Cannon Schmitt (Review), Barry Milligan
The 'Stately Pleasure-Dome' vs. 'The Dream of Pain and Disease': Coleridge's Body and the Romantic Imagination, Barry Milligan
Ethnography in Undergraduate Writing Courses: Issues in Theory and Pedagogy, David Seitz
Who Should Be Building the Theory? Why I favor Inductive Theory Work in Teaching Critical Writing, David Seitz
Between Ethnographic and Virtual Worlds: A Pedagogy for Dismantling the Dichotomy, David Seitz and Julie Lindquist
Loss and Recuperation of Immigrant Identity (review), Alpana Sharma
'Sharp Contrasts of All Colours': The Legacy of Toru Dutt, Alpana Sharma
The Roles of Campus Based Women's Centers, Kelli D. Zaytoun
Submissions from 1999
"His Kipling Period": Bakhtinian Reflections on Annotation, Heteroglossia and Terrorism in the Pynchon Trade, Carol Loranger
Ragged Dick in the Nineties: An Active Learning Student Project, Carol Loranger
Response to Steven Weisenburger's Response, Carol Loranger
"This Book Spill Off the Page in All Directions": What Is the Text of Naked Lunch?, Carol Loranger
Collaborating on ‘The Banks of the Wabash’: A Brief History of an Interdisciplinary Debate, Some New Evidence, and a Reflexive Consideration of Turf and Ownership, Carol Loranger and Dennis Loranger
The Death and Rebirth of Improvisation, Martin Maner
Why Nobody Jammed After Beethoven: The Death and Rebirth of Improvisation, Martin Maner
Location is Everything: Teaching Ethnography from Downtown to Downhome, David Seitz
The New Kid on the Block Jumps In: Being a Participant-Observer in Writing Program Reform, David Seitz
Submissions from 1998
Is it Just the Accent? Undergraduates' Perceptions of International Teaching Assistants, Deborah J. Crusan
"Character and Success": Teaching Sister Carrie in the Context of an On-going American Debate, Carol Loranger
The Write Site Electronic Graduate Course: An Ethnographic Research Report, Nancy Mack
Cognitive and Affective Learning in the Basic Course: Effects of Delivery Format, Immediacy, and Communication Apprehension, Susan J. Messman, Jennifer Jones-Corley, David Mezzacappa, and Deborah J. Crusan
Keeping Honest: Working Class Students, Difference, and Rethinking the Critical Agenda in Composition, David Seitz
Submissions from 1997
Teacher’s Guide, Nancy Mack
Writing for Professional Publications, Martin Maner
Conviction and Persuasion: Religious Working Class Students and Our Faith in Critical Pedagogy, David Seitz
Submissions from 1996
Research Writing: Proofread for Mechanical Errors, Martin Maner
The Spiral Guide to Research Writing, Martin Maner
Keeping Honest: How Ethnography In and Out of the Classroom Can Inform Critical Theory in Our Graduate Programs, David Seitz
Out of the Field and Into the Classroom: Ethnographic Approaches to Teaching the Research Paper Course, David Seitz
New Immigrant Literatures in the United States: A Sourcebook to Our Multicultural Literary Heritage, Alpana Sharma
Submissions from 1995
The Tapestry Grammar: A Reference for Learners of English (review), Deborah Alviani
Writing for Change: When Motive Matters, Nancy Mack
Pleasures and Pains: Opium and the Orient in Nineteenth-Century British Culture, Barry Milligan
Critical Pedagogy and the Guilty White Boy Blues, David Seitz
Social Positioning in the Classroom, David Seitz
Submissions from 1994
Psychobiography of an Eighteenth-Century Biographer, Martin Maner
Opium Smoking and the Oriental Infection of British Identity, Barry Milligan
Collaborative Projects for Preparing Graduate Student Teachers' Portfolios, David Seitz
Humorous Performances, Spiritual Interpretations: Cultural Resistance in African-American Women's Dream Narratives, David Seitz
What Oral Performances Can Tell Us about Literacy Education: A Study of African American Women's Dream Narratives, David Seitz
Submissions from 1993
Introduction to the History of Jazz, Martin Maner
Jazz and Elegy, Martin Maner
Submissions from 1992
Whole Language Support Groups: A Grassroots Movement, Nancy Mack and Ella Moore
Remedial Critical Consciousness?, Nancy Mack and James Thomas Zebroski
Max and Biography, Martin Maner
Samuel Johnson and Biographical Thinking by Catherine N. Parke (Review), Martin Maner
'The Plague Spreading and Attacking Our Vitals’: Opium Smoking and the Oriental Infection of the British Domestic Scene, Barry Milligan
Ethnographic Writing for Critical Consciousness, James Thomas Zebroski and Nancy Mack
Submissions from 1991
Sitting in an Uncomfortable Position, Nancy Mack
Transforming Composition: A Question of Privilege, Nancy Mack and James Thomas Zebroski
Beerbohm's Seven Men and the Power of the Press, Martin Maner
Psychobiography of an Eighteenth-Century Biographer, Martin Maner
Submissions from 1989
Different Words: Response to James Paul Gee, C. Mark Hurlbert, Nancy Mack, and James Thomas Zebroski
The Social Nature of Words: Voices, Dialogues, Quarrels, Nancy Mack
Johnson's Redaction of Hawkesworth's Swift, Martin Maner
Samuel Johnson, Scepticism, and Biography, Martin Maner