Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Large Scene SAR Image Formation, LeRoy A. Gorham
Understanding Paths Toward Strategic Success in NVR Campaigns: A Comparison of Palestinian and South African Resistance, Archibald A. Grieve
Evaluating Warehouse Strategies for Two-Product Class Distribution Planning, Bradley R. Guthrie
Detecting Structure in Activity Sequences: Exploring the Hot Hand Phenomenon, Taleri Lynn Hammack
Stability of Monomethylmercury in Water, Sarah Elyse Harvey
Effects of Agricultural Land Use on Stream Fish Communities in Ohio, USA, Blythe Hazellief
Surface Treatments to Tailor the Wettability of Carbon Nanotube Arrays, Lvmeng He
Polymerization of PEEK AB Monomers with Oxyalkylene Linkages via NAS and Friedel-Crafts Reactions, Shannon Theresa Hennelly
Efficient Training of Small Kernel Convolutional Neural Networks using Fast Fourier Transform, Tyler Highlander
A Study of Exercise: Intentions and Behavior, Michael Raymond Hoepf
Performance Prediction of Quantization Based Automatic Target Recognition Algorithms, Matthew Steven Horvath
Water Quality of the Upper Little Miami River Watershed in Ohio: Impacts of Natural and Anthropogenic Processes, David Allan Huff
(261, 105, 42) Abelian Difference Sets Do Not Exist, James Robert Hufford Jr.
Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Performance in a Water Radial Arm Maze (WRAM) Task, Saline Hughes
Integrated Magnetic Components for RF Applications, Sheena Hussaini
OWL Query Answering using Machine Learning, Todd Huster
Developing Proteomic and Cytokine Biomarkers for Vulvodynia, Ashvin Iyer
The Effect of Scalp Tissue on Current Shunting during Anodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (TDCS), Mark Patrick Jackson
Is Polyvinylidene diflouride (PVDF) film biocompatible in the Murine Cochlea?, Robert Maxwell Jaggers
Strain-Induced Energy Band-Gap Opening of Silicene, Zhonghang Ji
Work Function Modification of Metal Electrodes via Printing of PEDOT:PSS and Carbon Nanotubes, Carly A. Jordan
Left Ventricle Volume Reconstruction to Minimize Scanning Time: Slice-Fitting Method, Prateek Kalra
Determining the Role of the AhR in Immunoglobulin Expression and Class Switch Recombination, Bassam Fawaz Kashgari
Measuring Pulse Rate Variability During Motion Artifact with a Non-Contact, Multi-Imager Photoplethysmography System, Zachary Adam Kiehl
Mathematical Models and Solution Approach for Staff Scheduling with Cross-Training at Call Centers, Taskiran, Gamze Kilincli
Identification and Quantification of the Collagen Type I, III and V in Rabbit Patellar Tendons, Mahesh Chandra Kodali
Knowledge Enabled Location Prediction of Twitter Users, Revathy Krishnamurthy
Ontology Pattern-Based Data Integration, Adila Alfa Krisnadhi
Whole-Lake Primary Production Calculator, Colin D. Leong
Mixed Signal Detection and Parameter Estimation Based on Second-Order Cyclostationary Features, Dong Li
Neural Correlates of Convergence Eye Movements In Convergence Insufficiency Patients vs Normal Binocular Vision Controls: An FMRI Study, Chirag Bharatkumar Limbachia
High Frequency Resolution Adaptive Thresholding Wideband Receiver System, Feiran Liu
Endothelial Cell Derived MVs and Exosomes: Release and Functional Study, Langni Liu
A Framework for Uncertainty Quantification in Microstructural Characterization with Application to Additive Manufacturing of Ti-6Al-4V, Gregory Thomas Loughnane
Improved Spare Part Forecasting for Low Quantity Parts with Low and Increasing Failure Rates, Albert Frank Lowas III
Cavalry in Xenophon, Katie M. Luckenbill
Efficacy Of Mastery-Based and Autonomy-Supportive Neuroanatomy Curriculum in Graduate Level Human Neurobiology Course, Corin Wolfgang Magee
Distinguishing Melanocytic Nevi from Melanoma by DNA Copy Number Changes: Array-Comparative Genomic Hybridization as a Research Tool, Ahmed Ibrahim Mahas
Proxy-PET Building Blocks as a Design Element for Library Synthesis, Lainey Jo Mallin
The Transfer Student Experience: Challenges and Institutional Support Systems for Undergraduate Transfer Students at a Public Four-Year University, Olivia Vanessa Matthews
Women With Disabilities Who Have Been Sexually Assaulted: What Responders Need to Know, Kaitlyn McCarthy
Virtual Agent Interaction - Improving Cognitive Abilities and Trust for a Complex Visual Search Task, Heather H. Milecki
The Predictive Power of Non-Pathological Psychological Variables in Weight Loss Surgery, Tiffany Milligan
High Temperature Transient Creep Analysis of Metals, Sara Mirmasoudi
Tuning the Physical Properties of Poly(arylene ether)s Prepared from 3,5-Difluorobenzene Sulfonamides, Renata Mitton
Differences in Fecal Metabolite Profiles from Geographically Distinct Populations of Adolescents, Jessica Moncivaiz
Design of a 10-bit 1.2 GS/s Digital-to-Analog Converter in 90 nm CMOS, Tyler J. Moody
The Search for Meaning and Morality in the Works of Cormac McCarthy, Shane Phoenix Moon
Voices of the Exhibition:The Rise of Ekphrasis During the 20th Century Through Imagism and Visual Art Museums, Zachary Stephen Moore
A Multi-Disciplinary Analysis of Web 2.0 Technology use in Egypt & China, 2005-2010, Monica D. Morales
Algal Quality Controls the Distribution, Behavior and Growth of Algivorous Cichlids in Lake Tanganyika, Renalda Nanziga Munubi
Nano-Materials for Microwave and Terahertz Applications, Joshua Myers
Vitamin D Receptor and 1α, 25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 Mediated Regulation of ΔNp63α, Hill Tremayne Natasha
Testing in Adoption Evaluations: Selections and Usage Determined from Surveying Psychologists, Erin Marie Sylvester Nichting
The Effects of Proximity Compatibility and Graphics on Spatio-Temporal Situation Awareness for Navigation, Chang-Geun Oh
The Use of Antibody-Coated Latex Beads to Determine Single Positive and Double Positive Mouse Spleen Cells Expressing CD5 and/or CD19 Glycoproteins, Abdulrazzag Abdulaziz Othman
Effect of Localized Temperature Change on Vigilance Performance, Jessica Spencer Pack
Examining Student Reading Gains Based on Vocabulary Instruction based on Morphemic and Definitional Approaches, Jessica Lea Parthemore
Expression of Aquaporins in Mouse Choroid Plexus and Ependymal Cells, Pankaj Patyal
Limitations of Host Plant use in Two Andean Altinote (Nymphalidae, Heliconiinea, Acraeini), Butterflies, from a Tritrophic Perspective, Karen M. Pedersen
Hardware Trojan Detection in Cryptography IP Cores by Library Encoding Method, Dinesh Varma Penumetcha
Barriers to Group Psychotherapy for Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual College Students, Sarah Peters
Improving DNA Quality using FFPE tissues for Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization to find Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) in Melanoma, Keerti Potluri
A Fight for Equity: School Desegregation, Public High Schools, and why African-American Males have Lower Academic Achievement, Tanisha S. Pruitt
Mining Behavior of Citizen Sensor Communities to Improve Cooperation with Organizational Actors, Hemant Purohit
Connectivity of Monosynaptic Ia afferents on Renshaw Cells in Neonatal Mice, Todd Joseph Rapetti
Burnout, Work Engagement, and Well-Being in the Healthcare Professions: A Proposal for a Digital Intervention, Eric T. Reinhart
The Inhibitory Effects of Opioids on Voltage-gated Calcium Influx in Neonatal Rat Carotid Body Type I Cells, Ellen M. Ricker
Investigation of Cultural Bias Using Physiological Metrics: Applications to International Business, Renee Nicole Rigrish
Inhibition of Nectin-1 and Herpes Virus Entry Mediator (HVEM) using Monoclonal Antibodies Decreases HSV-1 Entry into Neuro-2A Cells, Erica Marie Rinehart
The Organization of Kv2.1 Channel Proteins in the Membrane of Spinal Motoneurons: Regulation by Injury and Cellular Activity, Shannon Hunt Romer
Features for Ranking Tweets Based on Credibility and Newsworthiness, Jacob W. Ross
Gallium Nitride: Analysis of Physical Properties and Performance in High-Frequency Power Electronic Circuits, Dalvir K. Saini
PWM Buck Converter as a Dynamic Power Supply for Envelope Tracking and Amplitude Modulation, Thomas R. Salvatierra
Effect of progesterone, terbutaline and leptin on the function of alveolar type II cells, Shamili Sammohi
An Interview with Three Deaf Lesbians: Intersectionality and Saliency of Identity Variables, Amanda L. Schaad
A Language for Inconsistency-Tolerant Ontology Mapping, Kunal Sengupta
Compressive Sensing Analog Front End Design In 180 nm CMOS Technology, Julin Mukeshkumar Shah
Direction of Arrival Estimation using Wideband Spectral Subspace Projection, Majid Shaik
Analysis of the Tapered Transition Waveguide, Ryan J. Shaver
Relating Reactive Transport to Hierarchical and Multiscale Sedimentary Architecture, Mohamad Reza Soltanian
An Experimental Investigation on Friction and Scuffing Failure of Lubricated Point Contacts, Sai Goutham Soma
Domain-Specific Document Retrieval Framework for Near Real-time Social Health Data, Swapnil Soni
Non-Cognitive Factors Affecting Undergraduate Student Success in Core Composition Courses, Samantha J. Spitak
The Effectiveness Of "The Tunnel Of Oppression": An Exposure Approach to Increasing Awareness of Oppression Among Freshman Students at Wright State University, Jennifer B. Stoyell
Wideband Automatic Gain Control Design in 130 nm CMOS Process for Wireless Receiver Applications, Joseph Benito Strzelecki
Logging Debris Protects Sugar Maple (Acer Saccharum) Seedlings from White-Tailed Deer (Odocoileus Virginianus) Herbivory in Wolf-Occupied Forest, Ari Erin Sullivan
Wide Tuning Range I/Q DCO VCO and a High Resolution PFD Implementation in CMOS 90 Nm Technology, Eswar Raju Suraparaju
Barriers to Group Psychotherapy Among Racially and Ethnically Diverse College Students, Raghav Suri
Self-Determination in the People's Republic of China: Elite Responses, 1949-2012, Hanna M. Tarbert
Contrast Pattern Aided Regression and Classification, Vahid Taslimitehrani
Temporally Biased Search Result Snippets, J. Abhiram Tatineni
Assessment of the Applicability of Terahertz Spectroscopic Breath Sensing towards Monitoring Type 1 Diabetic Mellitus, Jessica Rose Thomas
Design of A Novel Low - Cost, Portable, 3D Ultrasound System with Extended Imaging Capabilities For Point-of-Care Applications, Michail Tsakalakis
Measuring Brain Activation through Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (FMRI) during Visual Task Learning, Mohd Saif Usmani
A Computational Study of a Photovoltaic Compound Parabolic Concentrator, William M. Vance
Atmospheric Effects on Radar/Ladar Detection of Seismic Activity, Michelle Frances Via
Hierarchical Porous Structures with Aligned Carbon Nanotubes as Efficient Adsorbents and Metal-Catalyst Supports, Hema Vijwani